Established in 2003, Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation (TMEIC) resulted from the integration of Toshiba & Mitsubishi Electric Corporation’s industrial systems divisions. TMEIC drives industry around the world through a comprehensive offering of unique systems solutions; variable frequency drives, motors, photovoltaic inverters & advanced automation systems for a wide range of industrial applications.


Provides accurate speed control and high efficiency while eliminating the need for high maintenance mechanical flow control devices. Its rugged design is suited for induction or synchronous motors using advanced, fully digitalized vector controlled three-level Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Flexible arrangement of converter, inverter, and cooling units provides high-power density in a very small floor space with lower installation costs.

TMdrive-MVe2TM - Medium Voltage

Designed for high-efficiency and power-friendly operations in a broad range of industrial applications. High reliability, low harmonics distortion, regenerative operation and reactive power control operation are designed into the drive. Energy regeneration capability is included, allowing braking of overhauling loads and rapid stopping of loads such as fans and pumps.

TMdrive-MVG2 - Medium Voltage

Designed for high-efficiency and power-friendly operation in a broad range of industrial applications. High reliability, low harmonic distortion, and high power factor operation are designed into the drive